Bartosz Goc

Monthly One-on-one Meeting Template

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Monthly One-on-one Meeting Template

About this template

{"ops":[{"insert":"Use this weekly agenda to have productive conversations with your team: check in on goals, collect feedback, share wins, detect red flags and more.\n"}]}

Posted on Jan 31, 2024

Monthly One-on-one Meeting FAQs

How do you structure a monthly one-on-one meeting?


You should think about deviding the meeting into 8 sections: Summary, Aligning with Organizational Vision:, Technical Discussions and Feedback:, Team Dynamics and Interactions:, Career Aspirations and Growth:, Guidance and Progressive Enhancement:, Project Progress and Challenges:, Understanding Emotional and Mental Well-being:. Then adding the following monthly one-on-one meeting topics, where appropriate:

  • How often would you like to have such meeting - every month, every two months?
  • On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you with your work life balance? How can we help to improve it?
  • What has been the highlight and lowlight of your past month?
  • Are there any blockers with your current work? *
  • Priorities until our next meeting
  • How aligned do you feel with the company’s current trajectory? What do you think about weekly campfires, workshops or other company initiatives?
  • Are there any tools or resources you believe would improve your workflow?
  • Who in the company would you like to learn from? What do you want to learn?
  • How was your experience working on the latest feature?
  • Were there aspects of the last project that you think could’ve been managed differently?
  • Have you faced any challenges collaborating with specific team members?
  • Do you feel that the team is synchronizing well on projects?
  • Considering the year ahead, which professional landmarks are you aiming for?
  • What is one skill set you'd like to improve this quarter?
  • How might I assist you more effectively between our scheduled discussions? If there was one thing I could do differently to help you more, what would it be?
  • Do you possess any insights or recommendations that could refine how I support both you and our collective team?

What should you discuss during a monthly one-on-one meeting?


16 great things to discuss in your Monthly One-on-one Meeting:

  • How often would you like to have such meeting - every month, every two months?
  • On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you with your work life balance? How can we help to improve it?
  • What has been the highlight and lowlight of your past month?
  • Are there any blockers with your current work? *
  • Priorities until our next meeting
  • How aligned do you feel with the company’s current trajectory? What do you think about weekly campfires, workshops or other company initiatives?
  • Are there any tools or resources you believe would improve your workflow?
  • Who in the company would you like to learn from? What do you want to learn?
  • How was your experience working on the latest feature?
  • Were there aspects of the last project that you think could’ve been managed differently?
  • Have you faced any challenges collaborating with specific team members?
  • Do you feel that the team is synchronizing well on projects?
  • Considering the year ahead, which professional landmarks are you aiming for?
  • What is one skill set you'd like to improve this quarter?
  • How might I assist you more effectively between our scheduled discussions? If there was one thing I could do differently to help you more, what would it be?
  • Do you possess any insights or recommendations that could refine how I support both you and our collective team?

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