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Health and Wellness Committee Kickoff Meeting Template

Looking to kick off a health and wellness program? This agenda offers a great place to start!

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Health and Wellness Committee Kickoff Meeting Template

About this template

This agenda template will help you start up conversations about how to launch an awesome health and wellness program within your workplace!

Updated Feb 9, 2022

Health and Wellness Committee Kickoff Meeting FAQs

How long should a health and wellness committee kickoff meeting be?


You should initially set your health and wellness committee kickoff meetings for 1 hour with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have health and wellness committee kickoff meetings?


Most health and wellness committee kickoff meetings tend to occur as needed. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

What should you discuss during a health and wellness committee kickoff meeting?


6 great things to discuss in your Health and Wellness Committee Kickoff Meeting:

  • What is offered in our benefits package in regards to mental health? (i.e psychotherapy, wellness spending, etc.) πŸ’°
  • What social events do we offer for employees to destress? (i.e sports, game nights, movie nights) Do our social events promote wellness? 🧘
  • What kind of training are we providing our employees to deal with mental health concerns? (i.e management training, crisis intervention) 🧠
  • What wellness apps could we integrate into the workplace that would help employees? (i.e fitness rewards, meditation, yoga, virtual psychotherapy) 😍
  • Do we have an open forum to discuss mental health at our company? πŸ—£
  • Do we have easily accessible resources for our employees to reference with regards to wellness/mental health? πŸ“š

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