
Hypercontext Growth Stand Up Template

This template is to help the whole growth team align daily.

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Hypercontext Growth Stand Up Template

About this template

Every morning, Hypercontext's Sales, CS and Marketing teams meet for a 30-minute sync-up.

Posted on Sep 8, 2022

Hypercontext Growth Stand Up FAQs

How long should a hypercontext growth stand up be?


You should initially set your hypercontext growth stand ups for 30 minutes with your team. If you prepare and share an agenda in advance you're likely to get through more faster.

How often should you have hypercontext growth stand ups?


Most hypercontext growth stand ups tend to occur daily. As you go through a few iterations of them you may need to increase or decrease the frequency.

How do you structure a hypercontext growth stand up?


You should think about deviding the meeting into 4 sections: Ad Hoc, Learning, Planned for the day, Coming soon. Then adding the following hypercontext growth stand up topics, where appropriate:

  • To(do To)day!
  • Lessons from yesterday
  • Experiments being launched
  • Experiments being planned
  • Ideas for experiments

What should you discuss during a hypercontext growth stand up?


5 great things to discuss in your Hypercontext Growth Stand Up:

  • To(do To)day!
  • Lessons from yesterday
  • Experiments being launched
  • Experiments being planned
  • Ideas for experiments

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